Thursday, August 1, 2013

Say it out Loud!

So here is the part where I have to make it public and make my commitment to sticking to the 12wbt program!

Each time I make this commitment I have these little doubts in my head saying you really aren't gonna do well...... Sometimes they are a little too loud and I literally have to shake my head and say NO!! I AM COMMITTING AND THAT IS IT! SHUT UP!

I wrote my commitment on the forums and I let all my friends know so I need to keep my promise and do it! I found where I failed the last couple of rounds is that I kept quiet and didn't let people follow or know where I was at! I would do OK and then go quiet. Where as when I first started I was in the forums, posting on face book, encouraging ones in the 12wbt face book groups and smashing it out in the gym.

So the decision I have now, since we have moved and our situation is different, Is where to workout! I love the outdoors and I love doing weights. Decisions to make!

Its so true, I never regret working out! Walking, running when doing school drop offs. I have this feeling of strength and freedom when I run. Having the right kind of music, shaking my head, wriggling my hips as run, I must look silly but I don't care I love the motivation music gives.

Anyway! Here is my commitment: I commit to being an honest woman of my word, stick to the program and do my best! I know it works so I will give it my all!

There you go! Ive now let the world now I gotta do it!


  1. You are on the right path! Keep up the great work and you'll smash this round

  2. Thank you for your encouragment!! means alot! :)
